Sunday, March 25, 2012

The caption in this cartoon is, "ITS MY PARTY AND I'LL CRY IF I WANT TO.", with 4 men with their names on their shirts. These men are "Mitt Romney,Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich" . The caption is coming from a large elephant representing the republican party to describe that all of the men shown in the cartoon are part of the party. The candidates are all fighting eachother representing the close presidential campaigns and the battle for the republican primary. Basically, nobody from the republican party can get along with one another and they are all trying to eliminate one another. The ideological perspective of the artist is unrepresented in the cartoon. Although he may be a liberal because you can say that he is trying to downtalk or critisize the republican party. This cartoon relates to the current republican primary race. We discussed every one of these men and their campaigns in class. The irony in the cartoon is that there is no real leader in the republican party. Nobody in their own party even gets along.

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